Respect for Rights. Transparency. Accessibility for all.

DEEPRISM is one of the few honest and independent projects in the field of online security. The privacy of my users is my top priority.
Although I’m just an ordinary citizen, not an IT company or Superman, I do everything I can to make it possible for anyone, anywhere in the world, to use an anonymizer, proxy and VPN for free and without unnecessary registrations.






Note: Technologies should not be restricted — they should be used wisely!

Mission and Values

DEEPRISM is a challenge to modern times and my civic initiative. Once, I created the blog IKONA RUSSIA, but later realized I was capable of more. Right after my project gained popularity, I faced serious issues, including extrajudicial persecution. Everything has its price, and that was the price of my success. Yet, I brought my dream to life and have no regrets.

If you wish, you can get to know me better:

Sincerely yours, Pavel Grata

Standards, Ethics and Safety

DEEPRISM is completely transparent and secure — just as it should be. Since its launch, I have never forced you to create accounts, install unnecessary apps, or compromise your privacy. I have always adhered to a no-log policy.


Today, more than ever, it’s clear how interconnected we all are. This is why careful attention to the environment must be at the heart of any agenda. Those who can change the situation, even slightly, have no choice but to embrace decarbonization. The time for reflection is running out. That’s why I openly declare: DEEPRISM is transitioning to green solutions and minimizing its carbon footprint.
Collaboration with GREENHOST helps build a cleaner and brighter future for this planet and all its inhabitants. Don’t turn a blind eye—act now.


Why do you need a VPN, Proxy, or Anonymizer?

Here’s your real IP address:

This unique code reveals a wealth of information about you.
Activate DEEPRISM’s VPN, proxy or anonymizer to protect your IP, depersonalize yourself, and secure your activity.

How to Use Tools to Hide Your IP?

Step 1

Choose Where to Start

Decide: VPN, proxy, or anonymizer? For maximum protection, use them together or combine with TOR.

Step 2


Depending on the tool, enter a URL, install a browser extension, or follow the manual VPN setup instructions.

Step 3

Forget the Problems

Achieve peace of mind. User-friendly design, high-security standards (AES-256), and reliable partners will save you from headaches.

My blog

Details and nuances that inevitably arose. Internal resources I leveraged. Heroes and events that inspire me. Stories that make you wonder.

What are VPNs lying about?
Password generator
Rights on the Internet
Criminal Free

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to some common questions about DEEPRISM.

What Does DEEPRISM Mean?

DEEPRISM is formed from two words: deep + prism. Simple, yet brilliant.

Why Did You Create DEEPRISM?

A society that is ruled by censorship is doomed. Only free and informed people can achieve prosperity.
There are many countries where regulators have not fully understood this principle. I believe it's because the best IT specialists go into corporations and implement innovations, while the worst of the worst go into power, where they clumsily sublimate their failures into restrictive measures.
I also never understood how one can ban anonymity for the sake of citizen security. The logical question arises: do you really not trust them?

Can DEEPRISM Be Used as a Main VPN?

At the moment, DEEPRISM is a great backup VPN. No one aims to lead the top-10 VPNs, competing for leadership with PROTON. It was important for me to create a product that would improve your privacy and bypass unjustified restrictions. I must admit, it’s quite difficult to evaluate my own project. I didn’t invent anything new, but DEEPRISM changes the entire approach.

Are There Any Specific Rules?

You cannot use DEEPRISM to write or publish defamatory messages about other Internet users, for hacking, spamming, or DDoS attacks. Please read the terms and conditions of websites carefully and remember that there is responsibility for violating international norms set by the UN.

Why Doesn’t DEEPRISM Work?

DEEPRISM is designed so that emergencies will not affect its stability and operation. In case of an unfavorable situation, there is already a prepared action plan, so everything is under control.
However, I wouldn’t be surprised if access is already restricted in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Turkmenistan, Russia, and Belarus. This does not mean that I broke the law. No... Think about how technology could be perceived as a threat?
Understand, a state cannot be built on harshness and cynicism! If they think their citizens are not worthy of joining millions of DEEPRISM users, that’s fine. I believe that over time, their views will change.

I Like What You Do. Can I Make a Donation?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for everything to rely on your donations.
A couple of years ago, I tried collecting donations in exchange for permanent personal access to VPN. Typically, I received amounts ranging from two to fifty rubles, which was dozens of times less than the effort involved.
Sadly, this is a dead-end path. I realized that most of you are not able to help yourselves, so I stopped expecting miracles from ordinary users. By the way, large funds and international organizations have also shown indifference.
There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the social reality.
However, if you see potential and have other opportunities, I’m always ready to discuss the details with you.

What Are the Future Plans?

Live in such a way that there’s no shame. If you like my aspirations, take a look at other projects:

I’ve spent 9 years developing and refining DEEPRISM. I had to partially give up or change some of my habits. I’m glad that the day has come when the processes are fully automated. Believe me, working with data requires titanic effort, just as maintaining the created infrastructure does.
Today, I have every moral right to return to a normal life and focus on other, equally useful things.